I wanted to know who is this dude. I just had to find out. Curiosity was killing me. The details I came across affirmed my suspicions. He is only 22 years old. Figures! For a 22year old, he sure owns everything! Still wet behind the ears; being taken advantage of by people who know better; he has become the judge and jury of Uganda’s homosexuals. Hmm…I pity him. I feel sorry for him. I would love to have a conversation with him 8years down the line.
The second article was from the blog Lez Get Real. I have been following the story of a corrective rape case in South Africa that has been online for a while. You can get the full story on this link http://lezgetreal.com/2010/11/the-shocking-truth-of-corrective-rape-survivors-speak-from-south-africa/
The fact that gang rape is something that hits too close to home is negligible (having gone through the same not so many years ago); what struck me is the strength of the women in the video. As they tell their story, I felt my chest constrict followed by a pain that I could not describe. Simply put, it cut like a knife.
I cannot understand the depth of hatred that fellow human beings can have in them to force themselves into another and hope to change that individuals mind about their sexuality. How daft can one be? When did we stoop so low? How can a group of men rape 13year old twins because they “do not want them to be lesbians like their mother” and someone think that's right? Are we that ignorant? Are we that heartless?
I think I am still enraged… yes I am. No... this is not rage...what I feel... what I feel...i cannot aptly put into words right now.hmmm...
I am none to judge a fellow human being; but every bone in me says this is wrong. Dead wrong. Nothing can justify rape of any kind. Nothing can justify harming another just because you have different beliefs. Nothing justifies making others live like cages birds while you claim the sky. There is just no justification; religious or otherwise.
I believe that as LGBT people we will rise; we will rise beyond the hatred, we WILL rise beyond the inequality, we WILL rise beyond religious and political bigotry, we WILL rise beyond the intimidation; we will RISE!