Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Furor at FIFA chief's Qatar 2022 gay sex comments

Now, why did that decision give me the shivers…
World cup 2022 in Qatar!!
Well it didn’t take too long.
The FIFA chief was in Africa again…South Africa. When I first saw this on BBC I thought that first statement was rather off…check out HERE
You have to be very keen to get the first part of the video...Mr.Chief says “Then I should say they should refrain from any sexual activity... (laugh).” That struck me as...ummh...' he didn't just say that, did he?' 
So I  made a post of it to one of the internal sites here(We keep it on the down low...this is ME after all). Pardon me for not naming the site. Anyways, I decide to go take a bath and contemplate what this means? The whole World cup in Qatar 2022 thingi; what does this mean if they do accept everybody for that one month? What if they don't? How is this going to play? Will Qatar 2022 be the key for us to the Middle East door?
Less than half an hour and I come across this from CNN
I guess it has just begun but there will be more on this am sure.
Now this is something...
Is it just me or someone opened the proverbial Pandora’s Box?


1 comment:

  1. Great blog in there buddy, I'll surely watch out for your next posts.

    Alfred Hayman - Blogger
    Ever wonder what is an orgasm? It's certainly not as easy as it's made to look in the movies.
